Sunday, September 21, 2008

Part 4: Photos: In the Wake of Discovery: Downstream...a bit.

Photo above in Kansas City, KS. A rusting frame of a car in the river. Clean up your riverside KC!

Photo above: A typical barge and tug heading down or up the river.

Photo above: Stump Island in Glasgow MO. L&C mentioned these pertified stumps in the 1804 journals. It was great to see something that they actually saw.

Photo above; Glasgow native, Dan Hascamp looking at my maps of the river. Dan was very helpful in showing me around his great town on the river.

Photo above: Sorting through my food drop I picked up in Rulo Nebraska.

Photo above: Camp along the river. A typical river bank camp on the muddy river.

Photo above: The Nodaway River Gypseys. The Wade clan was very welcoming and poured many cups of coffee into my cold body. Thanks!

Photo Above: Evening sun setting along the river made for th best lighting. Note how dirty my boat is from all the mud and pollution in the river.

Photo Above: Another 21st century image. A large power plant along the river which supplies electricity to many areas of the state. There are many of these along the lower Missouri.

Photo above: Mile marker #714. Every mile is marked off with these blue signs on the lower Missouri River from Sioux City to St. Louis. In a way they helped determine how fast you were traveling as you could check off each mile you passed by.

Photo above: You never know what you will find along the river. Anyone want to play football?

Photo above: Only if this stove worked, I could have cooked my dinner on it.

Photo above: A calm morning approaching King Hill, mentioned in the L&C journals.

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